Collage Class - Queens Rustic Retreat

General Info:

    • Skill level: Beginner
    • Instructor fee: $85 per person 
    • Cost of lunch and facility: $45 per person
    • Feel free to bring a lunch or take a break to grab takeout at one of the neighboring restaurants.


To register, contact Fiberworx Fabric Studio at (830) 433-4676 or at The shop is located at 9424 FM 78 McQueeney, TX 78123.

Cancellation Policy:

    • In the event that you are unable to attend the class and it is more than 7 days before the class, you can receive a full refund of the class cost.
    • If you must cancel between 7 and 3 days prior to class date you will receive a Full Credit towards another class.
    • If you cancel less than 3 days prior to class, your class fee is 100% forfeitedTransfer to another class is not available with less than a 3-day cancellation.

Supplies needed: 

  1. Laura Heine pattern - see choices below
  2. Purchase a kit put together by Doris Rice, you can also bring fabrics of your own that you would like to include in your collage - see choices below
  3. Steam A Seam 2 Fusible (Please do NOT get SS2 Lite, it can't be used for this project) - available for purchase on our website
  4. Applique Pressing Sheet (Big Fat Goddess is recommended by the instructor Doris Rice) - available for purchase on our website
  5. #2 pencil
  6. Pattern Ease (check your pattern for required amount) - available for purchase on our website
  7. Karen Kay Buckley's perfect scissors (4", blue handles) - available for purchase on our website
  8. Piece of pink foam core board to use for attaching your project. You will work really hard on getting your fabric pieces in the perfect place and don’t want to have to take it all apart to get home.  The other option that works well is a foam pool noodle.
  9. You will NOT need a sewing machine for class. Instructions will be given about options for appliquéing and quilting.